11 Symptoms of Panic Attacks and Ways to Manage

Dealing with panic attacks seems challenging. In most cases, people self-diagnose the issue and relate it to anxiety attacks. However, its signs and symptoms are different. These attacks are intense feelings that are associated with physical symptoms. Since the symptoms last only for a few minutes, it is difficult for a healthcare professional to observe. 

Let's discuss some of the symptoms of panic attacks and learn a few tips to manage the condition:

Types of Panic Attacks 

Panic attacks are of two types: 

Expected attacks: 

 When you are in a situation that has caused you trouble in the past. 

Unexpected attacks: 

When an attack occurs suddenly without any trigger. 

Signs of Panic Attacks 

Signs of a panic attack are divided into physical and emotional symptoms. They include: 

Physical Symptoms 

1-      Sweating 

2-     Difficulty breathing 

3-     Shaking or trembling 

4-     Nausea 

5-     Chest pain 

6-     Numbness in toes and fingers 

7-     Chills 

8-    Dizziness 

Emotional Symptoms 

9-   Fear of dying 

10- Fear of becoming uncontrollable 

11-  Feeling of unreal things 

How to Manage Panic Attacks? 

Managing panic attacks is possible through some proven strategies. Some of them are helpful for immediate help, while others are helpful for the long run. 

Counseling : Seek counseling from a certified expert, and do not hide anything from the therapist. 

Medications: Do not hesitate to take medications if the doctor advises. However, always avoid self-medication. 

Deep breathing: Breathe deeply and count to 4, hold for a second, and then breathe out through your nose again with a count of 4. 

Mindfulness: Realize the present moment, recognize your current emotional state, and try to meditate. 

Muscle relaxation:  Close your eyes and come in a comfortable state then think of relaxing one muscle at a time. Repeat the process slowly. 

Visualizing a happy place: You can connect this tip with the muscle relaxing tip in which you close your eyes. Visualize your favorite place and try to relax. 

Light exercise: Try doing low-impact exercises such as walking, jogging, and swimming regularly. 

Repeat a mantra: Repeat things like backward counting and letters to divert attention. 

Use lavender: Use products with lavender as it has a calming effect and also helps reduce stress. 

In short, anyone can experience panic attacks. The symptoms and feelings may differ from person to person. However, one should know how to manage the condition. Also, seeking advice from a certified mental health expert is important. 

Book an appointment at Springfield Medical Clinic, a renowned medical clinic in Ohio, to discuss the symptoms. After understanding the underlying cause of these attacks, our mental health experts recommend the best treatment plan. Do not delay as the condition may get worse with time. Change your life from today by prioritizing your mental health. 

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